Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Digital natives and education

What is a digital native or a digital immmigrant? A digital native are the new students of today who have grown in the age of digital technology (phones, computers, ipods, etc.). Digital immigrants are those who were not born into the digital world but have, at some later point in our lives, become fascinated by and adopted many or most aspects of the new technology. What does this have to do with education? Well todays students are mostly digital natives who struggle to learn the old way. They are bored with the teacher standing in fronnt of the class and reading from the textbook.Digital Natives learn better if technology was used in the classroom to teach. One problem witht his is that the teachers arent as capable as students witht the digital world. Some try to learn and do learn the technology and therefore called Digital Immigrants. It is hard for older people to grasp and learn the technology thats why there are few teachers who are apable of using tachnology in the classroom. The only solution to this is patience and time. The new students who are in school (Digital Natives) who are more fimiliar will go into there careers and some will be teachers. These teachers can then teach the newer students with the digital technology.

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