Sunday, October 12, 2008

What Liberal Media?

An article titled What Liberal Media? by Eric Alterman really makes sense of the media and its conservativeness, if thats even a word. He writes about the real right wing conservatives like Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh always talkig about the media being liberal. The point he is trying to make is that there isn't a real liberal media.
Imagine a spectrum and the to the right is the conservatives who believe in small government and commmunism. And to the left is the liberals "the socialists", who believe in massive government. The center of the that spectrum are the moderates. He explains that the conservatives whine about the media being liberal. The media is trying to be moderate in the center. Bill O'Reilly and his conservatives yell on there shows about the media being liberal. So therefore the media tries not to be bias and shift the spectrum to the right. The middle of the spectrum is now a little to the right. Also he names many conservative tv channels, news, and hosts of shows. But no one can name any liberal icon in the media, thats because there isnt a liberal on tv the is all the way to the left. His point is tv is becoming conservative and with more whining its just going to get more conservative. There are liberal show and channels but they're not liberal enough.

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