Tuesday, December 2, 2008


After careful thought and consideration I am going to research Arabs and the media portrayal of arabs. Since the past 30 years America has been involved in the middle east. The Israeli/palestinian conflict, gulf war, iraq, afganistan, and the war on terror. The media portrays us as savages and terrorist.Being from the middle east or an arab there is that stereotype given. Its becoming hard for Arabs to live in America and to live the American dream. Even in movies and shows the terrorists are from middle eastern descent. back in the late 1980's the movies made didnt have arab men as terrorist. it was moslty russians being portrayed as terrorists. This is a problem, people need to be more aware and knowledgeable about other people before you generalize them. Ignorance is a problem in this world.....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Digital natives and education

What is a digital native or a digital immmigrant? A digital native are the new students of today who have grown in the age of digital technology (phones, computers, ipods, etc.). Digital immigrants are those who were not born into the digital world but have, at some later point in our lives, become fascinated by and adopted many or most aspects of the new technology. What does this have to do with education? Well todays students are mostly digital natives who struggle to learn the old way. They are bored with the teacher standing in fronnt of the class and reading from the textbook.Digital Natives learn better if technology was used in the classroom to teach. One problem witht his is that the teachers arent as capable as students witht the digital world. Some try to learn and do learn the technology and therefore called Digital Immigrants. It is hard for older people to grasp and learn the technology thats why there are few teachers who are apable of using tachnology in the classroom. The only solution to this is patience and time. The new students who are in school (Digital Natives) who are more fimiliar will go into there careers and some will be teachers. These teachers can then teach the newer students with the digital technology.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Academic Bias

Academic bias is having teachers or professors that are republican or democrat who try to persuade or convince the students to choose there side. The majority of the professors do lean to the liberal side but the students are not listening. College students have there own opinions and no teacher can persuade them, because of there intellect and wisdom as adults. I for one cannot be persuaded to pick a side because i know where i stand. One person has proposed an academic bill of rights that trys to abolish the bias with professors. That is very insulting to students, they feel that we dont have minds to think on our own. They think that we are going to be brainwashed by liberal and conserative professors into believing there beliefs. When i have professors talking about issues and where they stand i am not quick to believe them. i am an adult and intellegent college student that can make my own mind. Isnt colege about thinking and making your qwn mind when it comes to issues.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Detroit News

My group had to research newspapers both local and national and see if there is any biases in these newspapers. I had the Detroit News in October 15, 2008 and after reading and examining the newspaper i found a liberal bias in the newspaper. There are many articles about politics since there is only one week left until the election takes place. I found 8 articles that deal with the election and 3 out of the 8 dealt with the presidential election. Out of the 3, two of the articles attacked McCain and his proposals. The third article was about Obama and what he will do for the economy. No criticism was given about Obama in this article. The other articles dealt with the in state elections which really praise the Democratic candidates in all the races. One article is about the Oakland County prosecutor race and it said that this once large republican county is now leaning towards the Democratic candidate. The other articles says that the Republican incumbants are in danger of losing there seats in the House. In the economy section President Bush and the Republican party were called out on the bad economy. While Jennifer Granholm the Governor of Michigan and a Democrat was praised for her involvement in giving companies tax breaks for investing and making jobs in Michigan.
There are 4 other groups that will examine if there is any biases in the media. The categories are magazines, internet, television, and the radio.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Media

Is media mostly conservative or liberal? Which companies own what media?
Media is both conservative and liberal. There are many types of media like radio, internet sites, TV programs, newspaper, and magazines that have a bias. Pointing out this and catching the bias is the hard part. We have divided our class into these types of media our main point is to find and explain if there is a bias in different owned media. In my group we have to read different types of newspapers: international and local papers. I have the Detroit News and i can totally find the bias in some of the articles written. I looked at the types of stories and advertisements in the newspaper. There are also conservative newspapers like the New York Times and plenty more. The fun part is finding the biases and understanding it.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What Liberal Media?

An article titled What Liberal Media? by Eric Alterman really makes sense of the media and its conservativeness, if thats even a word. He writes about the real right wing conservatives like Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh always talkig about the media being liberal. The point he is trying to make is that there isn't a real liberal media.
Imagine a spectrum and the to the right is the conservatives who believe in small government and commmunism. And to the left is the liberals "the socialists", who believe in massive government. The center of the that spectrum are the moderates. He explains that the conservatives whine about the media being liberal. The media is trying to be moderate in the center. Bill O'Reilly and his conservatives yell on there shows about the media being liberal. So therefore the media tries not to be bias and shift the spectrum to the right. The middle of the spectrum is now a little to the right. Also he names many conservative tv channels, news, and hosts of shows. But no one can name any liberal icon in the media, thats because there isnt a liberal on tv the is all the way to the left. His point is tv is becoming conservative and with more whining its just going to get more conservative. There are liberal show and channels but they're not liberal enough.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

analyzing bartleby

I found out that it was very hard to analyze Bartleby and to really understand the story. We have written our first drafts and we are workshoping it in class. Many of the students choose the option of analyzing Bartleby the Scrivener: a Story of Wall Street. Analyzing to me is basically how you interpret the story and the break down of the story, to where you understand the meaning of this story.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This week we read a story by David Foster Wallace about a conservative radio talk show host. Zeigler the talk show host talks about issues going on in the world and Wallace writes about what Zeigler says about these issues. Wallace then comments and is very opinionated about zeigler. I was shocked to hear when Zeigler said "we American are better then the Arab World". I immediately labeled him as a racist.
This story was long and has many issues that they talk about. Also those boxes very hard not to read.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bartleby the Scrivener

Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville is a story of an elderly lawyer who has a clerks that are wierd and interesting, non wierder then Bartleby. The story takes place in Wall Street the heart of Americas economy. Bartleby just hired by the lawyer to examine, copy, and proofread documents. One day when asked to help with proofreading a document he simply replies "I prefer not to". The lawyer freaks out and after a while he fires Bartleby because he refuses to do anything. Bartleby was arrested for staying at the office eventhough the lawyer moved to a new location. he then dies of starvation at prison.
Bartlleby is a very interesting character that has a very passive boss. What i wanna know is how did Bartleby go from hard worker to "Preferring to not do anything". Is anyone interested with this. I have read the story again and still cannot pin point why he starts to do nothing.